American Revolution Summery

I learned about Francis Vigo and how he helped the soldiers and I learned about the battle of Quebec. I also learned about who created the american flag I still think that Besty Ross created the American flag. The most important fact I learned was tha Benjamin Franklin was a spy to while the revolutionary war was going on.

American revolution; spies

          History News  

In 1778 George Washington demanded Benjamin Tallmage to make a team of spies in New York. Benjamin Franklin was a spy during the revolution. Women were spies to but men thought women were to simple to be spies but the women proved them wrong and they were harder to find.

                  spy techniques 

While in the revolution they didn’t have technology to communicate so they invented ciphers or coded words.  Cipher were words only the spies could read. the spies had to learn a lot of languages.





                well known spies

the most well know spies were Nathan Hale and James Moody.They were both hard to find but Moody was the worst. Moody stole Washington’s male, he almost stole the secret document of the second congress and he got captured but escaped.nathan_hale



American Flag

I think Besty Ross created the first American flag. She knew how to sew since she was a child, and she knows how to make five pointed stars.She was learning upholstery when she was twelve.She knew how to angle the flag , and how to cut a five pointed star. Besty knew how to put the stars in a circle.