Of course Peter pan was young so he had to find what to do so he went to the to the magical playground. He has never seen a playground.When he got to the playground people looked at him weirdly. Then he realized he had no parent with him. He went on to see all the equipment. First he tried the slide first but when he got to the bottom he flew out he did not know what to to do for a millisecond then he decided to fly. Then,when he was flying he realized that people were watching so the only way to try to convince people that he was not flying was by falling he looked around to see what to fall on or who to fall on, he fell on a little girl and profusely apologized. the next morning in the hotel he saw himself on the news. the headline was idiot teenage boy falls on innocent kid. he was embarrassed and laughed at for the rest of the week. Even the policed laughed at him.