I like many decisions that Sharon Draper made.
I like how she words it to make the characters seem real so that we can really feel how the feel. For example ” By the way, there is nothing cute about a pink wheelchair. Pink doesn’t change a thing”. I also like that she is very descriptive so they can make it give more emotion. Like ” I guess they see a girl with short, dark,curly hair strapped into a pink wheelchair”. I like that she makes the reader feel what they feel. Like in this sentence “Doctors really don’t get me. Mom’s a nurse so I guess she speaks their language, but they sure don’t know how to talk to me”.
These are the things I like about Sharon Draper’s books.
Chapter two: The playground
Of course Peter pan was young so he had to find what to do so he went to the to the magical playground. He has never seen a playground.When he got to the playground people looked at him weirdly. Then he realized he had no parent with him. He went on to see all the equipment. First he tried the slide first but when he got to the bottom he flew out he did not know what to to do for a millisecond then he decided to fly. Then,when he was flying he realized that people were watching so the only way to try to convince people that he was not flying was by falling he looked around to see what to fall on or who to fall on, he fell on a little girl and profusely apologized. the next morning in the hotel he saw himself on the news. the headline was idiot teenage boy falls on innocent kid. he was embarrassed and laughed at for the rest of the week. Even the policed laughed at him.

Earth Day Poem
Everyone joining from all over the world to help clean Earth
After the oil spills people were getting worried
Remembering when Afghanistan planted 28,000,000 trees
The first Earth Day was celebrated by 20,000,000 Americans
Helping was very important to kid so 10,000 primary/elementary schools were helping
Denis Hayes made Earth Day international
After Earth day 100 species of orchids were planted so it will not be enstinced
Year after year china rode bike instead of cars for Earth Day
Peter Pan’s Adventure
Chapter 1 Finding
Peter Pan was tired of Neverland so he flew out of Neverland and landed in New York. When he got there he was so surprised at how many people were there. He read the population sigh that said “pop 1,000,000”. He never seen so many people. Peter went inside one of the malls and got confused. When Peter saw the people paying with green paper. He asked what is that paper.No one answered until this little girl swing on a swing. She said” it’s money. A piece of paper to pay thing with”. He now understands what almost everything. It was getting late and he needed some were to stay. He was flying across town then he realized that if he flies in a big city people would try to capture him so he stopped flying and started walking.Then he saw this big building called a hotel.He went inside to see if he could stay.He begged and begged until the manger came and said he could stay

Child Labor
I thought that child labor is very wrong. People would get their fingers cut off and they still had to work. Little kids had to jump out the window cause of a fire just because the people who owns the place locked the doors because they think that they were going to escape but the children are to scared to escape and when the children accidentally broke the machine they put weights on their neck and make them walk up and down the hallways.
Supreme Court of Justice
If I had to choose a job from the three branches I would judicial branch and I would be the supreme court of justice. I would check if the presidents and congress are doing the right things for the country by the Constitution. I can tell if the law is right by the constitution therefore it is no longer a law and I would be really good at remembering if it could be right. I could also tell a government of a state if they are doing the right thing and I would say it like it’s in the constitution. I would be making decisions in a big court court room and I would be getting about 1,500 reports a day but I would be only reading about 150 each day.I would choose them carefully.If the court decides not to hear the ruling they would take it to the lower courts. On the morning of that day the lawyers and the spectators enters the big court room. when they make an opinion they announce to the public and I could be really good at making decisions.
American Revolution Summery
I learned about Francis Vigo and how he helped the soldiers and I learned about the battle of Quebec. I also learned about who created the american flag I still think that Besty Ross created the American flag. The most important fact I learned was tha Benjamin Franklin was a spy to while the revolutionary war was going on.
American revolution; spies
History News
In 1778 George Washington demanded Benjamin Tallmage to make a team of spies in New York. Benjamin Franklin was a spy during the revolution. Women were spies to but men thought women were to simple to be spies but the women proved them wrong and they were harder to find.
spy techniques
While in the revolution they didn’t have technology to communicate so they invented ciphers or coded words. Cipher were words only the spies could read. the spies had to learn a lot of languages.
well known spies
the most well know spies were Nathan Hale and James Moody.They were both hard to find but Moody was the worst. Moody stole Washington’s male, he almost stole the secret document of the second congress and he got captured but escaped.